
Screw-in Electrode Set – Construction (226) Aqua-Boy

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Screw-in Electrode Set – Construction (226) Aqua-Boy ~ Penggunaan Elektroda 226

  1. Lantai Screed Anhidrit (Anhydrit screed floors)
  2. Lantai Screed Ardurapid (Ardurapid floor screed)
  3. Papan Asbes (Asbestos boards)
  4. Semen Asbes (Asbestos cement)
  5. Genteng Lembitumen (Bitumen roofing felt)
  6. Batu Bata (Bricks)
  7. Dasar Semen (Cement bases)
  8. Semen Mortar (Cement mortar)
  9. Semen Mortar 1:3 (Cement mortar 1:3)
  10. Semen Sebelum Pemasangan Kayu (Cement prior to wood installation)
  11. Tanah Liat Loam (Clay loam)
  12. Tanah Liat Semprot (Clay- spray)
  13. Tanah Liat, Betonit (Clay, Betonite)
  14. Serbuk Kelapa (Coir dust)
  15. Beton (Concrete)
  16. Beton – Terbentuk Gas (Concrete – gas formed)
  17. Beton – Semi Kering (Concrete – Semi dry)
  18. Beton 200 kg/m² (Concrete 200 kg/m²)
  19. Beton 350 kg/m² (Concrete 350 kg/m²)
  20. Beton 500 kg/m² (Concrete 500 kg/m²)
  21. Bahan Konstruksi (Construction Materials)
  22. Kork (Cork)
  23. Granul Kork (Cork granules)
  24. Lantai Screed Elastizell (Elastizel floor screed)
  25. Serat Kaca (Fibreglass)
  26. Batu Kapur Abu-abu (Grey limestone)
  27. Plester Gipsum (Gypsum plaster)
  28. Kulit (Leather)
  29. Beton Ringan (Lightweight concrete)
  30. Mortar Kapur (Lime mortar)
  31. Mortar Kapur 1:3 (Lime mortar 1:3)
  32. Serbuk Kapur (Lime powder)
  33. Komposisi Magnesit (Magnesite composition)
  34. Lantai Sub Magnesit (Magnesite sub flooring)
  35. Lantai Kayu Laminasi (Laminate wood floor)
  36. Kork Alami (Natural cork)
  37. Kertas (Paper)
  38. Kertas dari Tepung Kentang (Paper from Potato Starch)
  39. Papan Partikel (Particle boards)
  40. Papan Partikel – Amino plastik (Particle boards – Amino plastic)
  41. Papan Partikel – Fenoplastik (Particle boards – Phenoplastic)
  42. Plester (Plaster)
  43. Papan Plester (Plaster Boards)
  44. Plester di Dinding (Plaster in walls)
  45. Lantai Sub Plester (Plaster sub flooring)
  46. Plester Sintetis (Plaster, synthetic)
  47. Perahu Polyester (Polyester boats)
  48. Polistirena (Polystyrene)
  49. Polistirena Terpompa (Polystyrene expanded)
  50. Batu Pasir Merah (Red sandstone)
  51. Dinding Plester (Rendered plaster walls external brick/block)
  52. Wol Batu (Rock wool)
  53. Wol Batu (Rockwool)
  54. Blok Pasir dan Semen Kering (Sand and cement dry blocks)
  55. Batu Bata Pasir-limet (Sand-lime bricks)
  56. Lantai Kayu Massif (Solid wood floors)
  57. Kayu Struktural (Structural timber)
  58. Styrene
  59. Kayu (Timber)
  60. Kayu Kelapa (Timber coconut)
  61. Kayu Berbagai Jenis (Timber various)
  62. Jendela Kayu Terpasang (Timber Windows installed)
  63. Busa Urethane (Urethane foam)
  64. Dinding (Walls)
  65. Dinding dan Lantai Karavan (Walls and floors of caravans)
  66. Lantai Kayu (Wood Flooring)

Screw-in Electrode Set – Construction (226) Aqua-Boy ~ Paket Sekrup – Konstruksi terdiri dari kabel adaptor, pasang elektroda sekrup, perluasan plug, bor berujung karbida dengan diameter 6mm, serta 100ml bubuk grafit. (Grafit digunakan untuk memastikan kontak listrik yang baik dari perluasan plug)

Weight1 kg


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